The family history entries are as follows:
Martha Mathers was born the 11th day of August 1750 and William Little and said Martha were Married the 19th March 1783
William Little their Son, born the 21st January 1784 at 4 o’clock in the morning
Robert Little their Son, born the 24th September 17[missing but back dating from death date make it 1786] at 9 o’clock at night
Martha Little departed this Life on the Twentininth [sic] day of Jan’y 1798 – Three 6 [undecipherable] Aged 47 years 5 Months & 18 days
William Little departed this Life on the 3rd day of February 1800 aged 46 Years and 23 days: at one o’clock in the morning
Robert Little the Son of Martha and William Li[ttle] departed this life on Sunday the twentifth [sic] day of September 1803 at 10 o’clock at night a[ged] 17 years and two days